The complete set includes the world's best-selling phrase book and a dictionary with an audio CD containing not only the dialogues recorded by professional presenters who are native Russian speakers, but also афяипthe essential tips for travellers and recommendations for better accommodation during your stay in unaccustomed conditions abroad The CD will let you acquire communication skills in a new language, as well as manage any situation you're likely to encounter: from reserбемввving a room in a hotel and visiting a restaurant to asking directions and obtaining help CD will facilitate your adaptation to unfamiliar surroundings Native speakers use more than 400 lively phrases in dialogues supplied with recommendations and detailed comments recorded on the CD Bilingual dictionary contains over 2300 words Applied to the phrase book sections such as Stores & Services, Health, Menu Reader, etc, color-coding makes words and phrases easy to find Morбоьчщe than 1200 words and expressions are given in the book Convenient format makes possible to study Russian at home as well as on the go Размер книги: 10 см х 14,5 см Размер коробки: 12,5 см х 14,5 см Прилагаемый к изданию диск (CD) упакован в пластиковый Jewel Сase и вложен внутрь коробки.